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Pattern Store
From the Queue Friday - Citron
After going to stitches last Friday, I came home and had to add something to the Ravelry queue. It's Citron from Knitty: Photo from the ...
Book Plug: How to Knit a Love Song
A couple of months ago, I was at my knitting group and one of the women there said she had just finished reading How to Knit a Love Song by ...
Stitches Midwest Recap
Another year. Another Stitches Midwest. I was able to locate the Bellingrath Pattern by Carrie of We Do Not Have a Knitting Problem as well...
It's a Destash!
Alex and I have been working on trying to get rid of stuff in the house. I think I have been watching too much Hoarders or something. :) So,...
From the Queue Friday - Bellingrath
So, today I am working a half day in order to make the short drive with my knitting buddies to Stitches Midwest this afternoon. In preparati...
Yarn Thursday
Definitely still have the spinning bug! Here is the latest from my spinning wheel adventures: This yarn just makes me happy. I really love h...
Just Yarn Sock Club, Round II
So, I just finished up the first round of my Just Yarn Sock Club. I had such a good time doing it, I decided to open it back up again! Here ...
Some KLC Projects
So, every now and then I like to look on Ravelry and see what people are making with my yarn . It really does make me feel good to see peopl...
WiP Wednesday
I have been a little busy for the last week or so. So, there has not been too much knitting going on. I have been spinning a teeny bit, whil...
Retail Therapy
So, the other day, I am minding my own business on Twitter, when I see a new tweet from ZigZagStitches about a knitting witch project bag. ...
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