


Yesterday I added the sixth and final pattern to the Nifty Gifty 2 eBook. This is Eudicots:
Eudicots by Jen Lucas

Eudicots is a sideways-knit asymmetrical shawl. So, if you enjoyed knitting some of my other patterns that use this construction (like Hogmanay and Milton), you'll enjoy this one too!
Eudicots by Jen Lucas
 For this shawl I used a Fave Sock Gradient Yarn Set from fiberstory. I love the transition in this one.
Eudicots by Jen Lucas
As always, the written instructions are included for the charts, as well as notes on how to change the size of your shawl if you like.

So that completes the Nifty Gifty 2: Deck Your Neck eBook! I hope you enjoy all the great "neck-cessories!" ;)