


Another week in November is here and that means another new pattern in the Nifty Gifty 2 eBook. Say hello to Pacifico:
$11.50 thru 11/27

Pacifico is sideways knit-on-the-bias stole. I love using gradient yarns for things knit on the bias, it makes for cool transitions.
Pacifico by Jen Lucas
I knit Pacifico out of a 600-yard ball of KnitCircus' Greatest of Ease yarn. The beauty of this pattern is you can easily adjust the size of the piece, making it a great pattern for those beloved gradient yarns. You can pretty much knit until you're going to run out if you like!

The stitch pattern is pretty easy on this one. It's a 12-row stitch repeat, you'll have it memorized in no time. And, as always, written instructions are included for the chart.

Pacifico is the fourth pattern in the Nifty Gifty 2 eBook. Just two more patterns to go!
Pacifico by Jen Lucas
$11.50 thru 11/27