


This week brought the second pattern to the Nifty Gifty 2 eBook. This is Gallica:
Gallica by Jen Lucas
Gallica by Jen Lucas
Nifty Gifty 2 eBook
$9.50 thru 11/13
Gallica is a top-down cowlette. You start by working in rows and then you join in the round to knit the lace portion. I was obsessed with knitting this lace pattern. It was a joy to knit the sample. The gradient kit from A Hundred Ravens didn't hurt either.
Gallica by Jen Lucas

You can get Gallica as an individual pattern, or get it in the Nifty Gifty 2 eBook. With 6 patterns in the eBook it's a great deal!
Gallica by Jen Lucas

Nifty Gifty 2 eBook
$9.50 thru 11/13