


The third pattern for the Nifty Gifty 2 eBook has arrived. This is Boneset:
Boneset by Jen Lucas
$10.50 thru November 20

This shawl is a different construction from anything I've done before. It's a bottom-up triangle, that uses short rows in the garter stitch sections to make its shape. It was so super fun to design and knit!
Boneset by Jen Lucas
The lace is lovely and leafy - leaf lace patterns are among my favorite. I adore that they are delicate and geometric all at the same time.

I knit Boneset out of Leading Men Fiber Arts Diva yarn. It's a wool/silk blend that comes in a generous 600 yard skein. I need a hundred more shawls made in this yarn.
Boneset by Jen Lucas
$10.50 thru November 20

Next week Tuesday I'll have another new pattern in the eBook - featuring another gradient yarn. If you haven't picked up the eBook, now's the time. The price will go up by $1 on the 21st!