

Friday WIP Round-Up

Honesty time: for the last few months, I had lost my knitting mojo. I don't know why it happens, but I was burned out on yarn. That sounds absolutely crazy when I say it out loud (or type it into a blog post). But, anyway, the knitting mojo has returned and I've been starting all the things. Now that Sendero and Vauhti have been released, I've been working on my next two self-publish designs. I feel like I self-published so little in 2016, and I'm determined not to have that happen again this year.

The Wooly Wonka Fibers shawl is coming along. I'm almost done with the first ball of yarn!
I probably would have been done with the shawl already, but then I got a sudden urge to cast on for a new project. So this is a cowl design with some Into the Whirled yarn I picked up at Rhinebeck. I can't put it down!
These patterns should be out in the next few weeks. I'm having so much fun working on some new self-published designs!

What WIPs are you working on?