

It's a Birthday Sale!

Today I'm celebrating completing another trip around the sun - it's my birthday! In addition to eating all the birthday cake, I'm having a pattern sale - on everything.
Knitting Like Crazy: Sale (One Day Only)

For today and tomorrow (Friday, May 20 & Saturday, May 21) you'll get 36% off all my individual patterns and self-published eBooks in my Ravelry store. No coupon needed - discount will automatically be applied at checkout!

Today is going to be a pretty low-key birthday (which is how I like it). It's a regular work day here at the Lucas house, but tonight Alex & I will be going out for dinner (and wine)! I might treat myself to a little online yarn shopping today too. I have a couple non-work projects in mind for this summer, and it seems like a good day to shop for yarn.

I hope everyone has a great day and a fabulous weekend! Happy shopping and knitting! :)