

Book Review: Lazy Sunday Knitted Socks

Recently I was chatting with fellow designer, Jane Burns, about her new self-published book, Lazy Sunday Knitted Socks. I took one look at the photos of Ravelry and knew I had to share it with you. You're going to love it!

Lazy Sunday Knitted Socks: 5 Simply Indulgent Socks to Knit is the perfect book if you love socks or beads or lace or cables or any combination. Jane has done a wonderful job putting this book together. You can tell from the very first page that she has a passion for socks and adding beads to her knitting. In the introduction she says she's "created patterns that really show off how beads accentuate lace, cables, eyelets and twisted stitches, as well as including instructions for [her] favourite method of beading."

I love every sock pattern in this book. They are all expertly written and contain sizing notes on how to best chose the size to knit. The patterns are all written for multiple sizes - a minimum of 4 sizes is included in each pattern (some of them even go up to 6 sizes).

Here are the highlights:

Sitting in a Rainbow is the perfect sock if you're new to beading or new to sock knitting. They are simple top-down socks, with a small eyelet pattern on the cuff where the beads are added. This pattern is written for 6 sizes and includes a small chart. Lovely.
No Room for Ravers features my new favorite combination - cables and lace. A small number of beads are added to the pattern to highlight your beautiful stitches. This pattern is written for 6 sizes and includes written instructions for the charts.
Drift Away might be my favorite pattern in the book. Cables, lace, beads, twisted stitches - this sock pattern has it all. This pattern is also written for 6 sizes and includes written instructions for the charts. Oh the twisted, cable-y goodness!
You can check out the other two patterns, Nothing to Say and No Mind to Worry on Ravelry. They are equally as beautiful as the ones I've featured here.

The book goes beyond just sock patterns. Jane has also included great information on choosing beads and substituting yarns. As someone who is totally new to bead knitting, I was very pleased to see this included in the book. There's also great illustrations on how to bead with a crochet hook, Jane's preferred method of bead knitting.

You can get the eBook on Ravelry or purchase the physical book from Jane's Etsy shop. I'm sorry if you have to call in sick and stop cleaning your house so you can knit all of these right now. :)

Photo copyright Jane Burns 2016. Used with permission.

Disclaimer: I received this book for free in order to review it. My review is 100% my honest opinion. I did not receive any payment for this review nor did I agree to publish a positive review. You can read my full disclosure policy here