

Book Review: Enchanted Knits for Dolls

When I was at TNNA back in June, I saw the samples for Nicky Epstein's new book, Enchanted Knits for Dolls. My BFF, Jenni and I ran into Nicky on the show floor and (probably/very) unprofessionally went insane telling her how much we loved the new doll clothes. So when I was asked if I would like a review copy of the book, it was a no-brainer. I have to show off this awesomeness to my blog readers!
As the subtitle suggests, the book contains 25 costumes for 18-inch dolls. So, of course, with a 5 year old niece who just loves her expensive, name-brand 18-inch doll, I knew this book would be worth looking at more in depth.

The majority of the patterns in this book are for the intermediate or experienced knitter and I think are rated appropriately in the book. The doll costumes contain tons of special little details, which definitely turns the volume (and the difficulty level) up on these patterns. These are nothing like the doll clothing freebies you would find around the web.

To complete the look for these doll clothes you're going to need more than just needles and yarn. Pattern material lists include "narrow strips of leather for wrists" (Peter Pan), embroidered ribbon (Red Riding Hood) and glue (Magical Dragon), just to name a few. Enchanted Knits for Dolls is perfect for someone like me who loves to knit but occasionally dives into other crafts as well.

The book goes far beyond a regular knitting book. It has recipes (that is not a typo - recipes!). There are a three recipes that go along with the doll costume. I think my niece would really love to sample the Sparkle Egg Birds' Nests while playing with her doll dressed in the Forest Bride costume. Enchanted Knits for Dolls also has some magical knits for kids too. What little kid wouldn't want a Unicorn Hood? I kind of want one for myself. :)

The book also has a "Teach Your Kids to Knit with Nicky" section, which shows all the knitting basics in step-by-step photo tutorials. The patterns that follow are perfect for new kid knitters - My First Purse and Pair of Ponchos.

As usual, I want to make everything in the book, but here are a few of my very favorites:

I look forward to making my niece something from the book in 2016!

Nicky Epstein's Enchanted Knits for Dolls: 25 Mystical, Magical Costumes for 18-inch Dolls is now available. You can find it at your local LYS, bookstore or online. For more information, visit the Sixth & Spring website.

Photo copyright Nicky Epstein/Sixth & Springs Books.