

A Cross Stitch Christmas

I'm so excited. I finally finished another cross stitch project! This is "A Very Merry Christmas Town" from The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery.

This pattern worked just like a Mystery Shawl KAL, just with a way longer time frame. In July, August, September and October a little more of the pattern was released, giving you lots of time to finish it before Christmas.

I got a little behind, but over the last few weeks I was able to catch up and finish it. I just love it.
And while I didn't enjoy working with it, I love the texture and sparkle the gold thread provides. It was definitely worth the effort.

I look forward to more stitch-alongs from The Frosted Pumpkin in 2016!

Do you cross stitch? Let me know about some of your favorite designers/patterns. I'd love to hear about them!