

A Crafty Weekend

I decided to use this past weekend to work on whatever I wanted. The next couple weeks will be full of work knitting (I'm sending off the samples for my next eBook to the photographer at the end of the month - yay!) so I wanted to get a little "selfish crafting" in over the weekend.

Last week I mentioned that I ordered another DIY pendant from Red Gate Stitchery. It arrived and I immediately started it. It didn't take long to have another beautiful pendant to wear.

Once I finished that up, I decided to break out the cross stitch pattern I bought over a year ago from Nerdy Little Stitcher. It's a beaker in love with a flask. This former lab geek just had to make this one!
It's not perfect (I found the letters to be a little tricky for my mega beginner skills), but I love it just the same. It's so cute. I'll be going to find a frame for it this week and will display it proudly somewhere in the house.
I also got a few stitches in on my sock while out on Saturday. It was World Wide Knit in Public Day, so I did my part and whipped out my sock while at Arlington Park with Alex.
A great weekend of being crafty!