

The Traveling Rainbow Sock

This past weekend I was back in Fargo for "Rozfest." We headed up there to celebrate Rosslyn's first birthday and attend her baptism. What a great weekend! The rainbow sock traveled with me. The night before leaving for our road trip, sock one was complete:
I did a lot of the driving on the way up, but I did cast on the second one in the car and had a toe by the time we reached North Dakota:
I worked on it some throughout the weekend, but with lots of family fun time, there wasn't much knitting.
We took this picture during Roz's birthday pool party. Hooray for hotels with the little kiddie indoor water park! :) Yesterday was the long drive home. I did about half the driving again (we left at 4am so I took the first driving shift....hard to knit when it's dark outside). Between the car ride and a few rows while trying to stay up past 7pm I now have a turned heel.
Maybe by the end of the week I'll finally have some finished rainbow socks! I feel like I've been working on these for forever.