

So Many Pins

I don't know about you, but I have so many different pins/buttons that have been collected at different events or from different packages over the years. I never want to throw them out, but for a long time I couldn't figure out what to do with them.

So, you remember that Year In Temperature scarf I said I was going to make two years ago? Well, of course, I lost steam and never finished it. I think I got through January. The yarn I bought for the project has been serving me well (I've made many baby things out of those balls of yarn) and so has the barely started scarf. It now displays all my pins and buttons!
I had it hanging in my office (I thought it was kind of a cute and creative decoration) and I decided to put my Hello My Name is Rav button on there (I'm always misplacing that thing). One day I decided it was a great spot for all the buttons! The buttons are almost all ones I've received at different events or in a package with yarn or project bags. Sometimes I'll pick one to pin to my knitting bag for fun.

If you're like me and have an ever-growing collection of pins, I'd love to hear what you do with them!