

WIP Wednesday: Baby Sophisticate

In a couple weeks I'm attending a baby shower for a knitter. My favorite kind of baby shower - it's the one where you get to shower the knitting mom-to-be with all sorts of knitting and crochet baby things that she will appreciate it a way only a fellow fiber artist can. I don't knit and/or crochet for most baby showers/kid's birthdays/etc. these days. Only for those that I know will really, really love it. Handmade things aren't for everyone and I completely get that. But the handmade things are perfect for the knitting moms, so a Baby Sophisticate sweater had to be cast on:
I've been trying realllly hard to knit from the stash lately. I didn't have enough of one color in the bin of random Knit Picks yarn to do a whole sweater, so I decided that the sweater should have stripes and got knitting!
I'm adding two more rows to each purple stripe as I work down. My plan it to do the same thing on the sleeves when I get to them. I'm hoping I'll have enough to do the collar in brown. We'll see. It's an adventure!

I've made this sweater pattern before, but there's no record of it on the blog or in my Ravelry project page, but I swear, it happened. It's so cute and easy and fun to knit that making another one just seemed right. I'm hoping to also make my standard Upside-Down Daisy hat as well. Because all baby girls need one!