

Flamingo FO

The story of the flamingo:

A couple months ago I decided to crochet little L a flamingo. I thought since I've knit and crocheted her big sister so many things and she either gets a matching one or something smaller, it was time I crochet her something just for her. I tried to be smart and give it to her while big sister C was visiting my brother and family in Fargo. It's not that I don't want to make C things, I love to make her all the things, I just thought it would be nice to make something just for the little one for once. So my plan mostly worked until C arrived home. The next day I receive a phone call that goes like this:

Me: Hi Mom!
My Mom: Someone here needs to speak to you.
C (in the cutest pitifully whiny voice): Auntie, can you knit* me fwamingo?
Me: Of course I'll make you a flamingo.

She was so jealous of her sister's flamingo. I just can't say no when it comes to the nieces! So for Christmas, C got her flamingo. Pattern from Freshstitches.
She opened and was so so excited. I think it was one of her favorite presents of the day! She hugged and loved on her new flamingo she named "Purple." I'm so glad she loved it.

*we're still working on the difference between knitting, crochet and needlepoint. She thinks they're all knitting.