

2014: A look back

2014 was a crazy one, that's for sure.
  • I left my full-time lab job to work in my design business full-time.
  • Another beautiful niece came into the world and has been bringing much joy to the family ever since. Love that baby.
  • My dad successfully went through chemo and radiation and is cancer-free. He still has some other serious health challenges he is facing and has been bouncing between the nursing home and hospital the last few months, but we are hopeful that he will get stronger and be home soon. Plus we want to take him to the casino to play penny slots. 
  • Alex was hired full-time at the company where he had been contracting for the first few months of the year. Hooray!
  • I taught at my first knitting convention, Vogue Knitting Live, and that was extremely awesome. 
  • I finished my manuscript on book numbers 2 and 3 this year. And turned in an idea for (hopefully) book 4. I was crazy with the book writing!
As for the knitting and crocheting....
  • I had 13 crochet FOs, 9 of which were Freshstitches patterns. I may have a problem. 
  • I finished 2 sweaters: Dutchess and Hitofude
  • I knit and designed lots of new things, many of which you will be seeing in 2015!
Goodreads told me I read (or listened to) 25 books in 2014. My favorites were The Night Circus, Ready Player One and The Fault in Our Stars. I really didn't get back into reading until about halfway through the year, once I get settled into my new job working from home.

Some goals for 2015:
  • Melissa and I are going to try to read 50 books in 2015! 
  • Design a sweater (not sure if I'll release it as a pattern, but I want to give it a shot)
  • Release 10 self-publish patterns (I already have been working on a collection of 6 for the late winter/early spring that I think you are going to LOVE).
  • Continue to work on getting into a good working-from-home schedule. Every week the routine gets easy/better and I want to continue to work on improving the schedule. Especially when it comes to the sample knitting. That area I need to make major improvements. Procrastinating on sample knitting is so dumb. You can only knit so fast! :)
How was your 2014? Any big plans for 2015?

Happy New Year and thanks for sticking around the blog another year!