

What I'm Reading/Watching: November 2014

This month I did a lot more watching than reading. I blame a large amount of deadline knitting on that!

I did read one book though. It was Lena Dunham's Not That Kind of Girl. I love her show Girls on HBO, so I decided to read the book. For me, it was hilarious and sad and sometimes a little disturbing. Much like her TV show. A good read for Lena fans. I definitely liked it!

I've also started reading another Rachael Herron book. I 'm reading Cora's Heart. I'm about 60 pages in and enjoying it. I love Rachael's books! I have Pack Up the Moon already purchased and on my Kindle for future reading.
That's pretty much it on the reading front. As for watching, I've been rewatching Season 6 of Parks and Recreation, getting ready for the new season to start in January.
And then I've been watching Hallmark Christmas movies. Like all of them. My TiVo is working overtime to record them. My process of watching the Hallmark movies goes like this: Start watching movie. If, after 20 minutes I'm not feelin' it, I delete and move on. All these movies are cheesy, but some are too much, even for me. A couple of my faves have been A Holiday Engagement (I watch this one every year) and the new Cookie Cutter Christmas. I have a few more of my faves waiting on the TiVo for me.

So that's it. I have "sort of plans" to read some Christmas-y books in December. Not sure though. With the made-for-TV movies and the books - that might be a little too much!

What have you been reading or watching? I want to hear about it!

Wonder what I read/watched last month? Check out this blog post.