

Cardi in Progress

I mentioned what seems like forever ago that I was making a Hitofude cardigan. I started it, and then promptly got sick of knitting it. It sat in the project bag for a month (or two or three) until over Memorial Day weekend when I was looking for something to work on while on the trip to Ohio to visit Alex's relatives. I'm so glad I picked it back up. Once I got through all the lace repeats for the sleeves, I got my cardi mojo back. I have been knitting a few rows on it each night now.

This sweater is sooo interesting to knit. You start with a provisional cast on and then work the sleeves/back in a flat rectangle. Then, you 3-needle bind off the sleeves and KNIT IN THE ROUND (that's all in caps because it blew my mind that you had to do that) in ribbing for a few rounds to do the neck and waist. It's back to knitting back and forth and you start increasing slowly (which is where I am now) in the fronts to make the cardigan all drapey and swingy).

The pattern is genius!

Hopefully in another week or two I will have a finished sweater to show you (just in time for summer, of course).