

No really, someone stop me

In the last couple of weeks, I have gone baby knitting crazy. With the birth of my new niece and some close friends preparing for their baby coming in May it's all baby knitting, all the time over here. I'm fine with it.

My latest finished item? Not knitted, but a crocheted airplane:

I mentioned in a previous baby knitting post (man, it seems like all my previous posts are baby knitting posts! I swear, it will end soon) that my friends are having an airplane-themed room for the baby on the way.
And the dad is an air traffic controller, so really, how could I not make this!?

I used the Amigurumi Airplane pattern, and some Cascade 220 Superwash I had around the house. A couple hours, and this baby was done. Super quick. And sooo easy. The pattern was fantastic!

Next up? I am working on a Baby Surprise Jacket for my new niece, and I'll probably make yet another Upside-Down Daisy Hat, because that is my favorite thing of all to knit for new babies. After that, I may actually get back to my Hitofude cardi. :)