

Knit Your Own Moustache

I'm a little behind on book reviews. The books are majorly piling up! I'm gonna try to do one book review/mention a week until I'm all caught up. We'll see how that goes. Some of the books will be giveaways, so stay tuned!

This week, it's Knit Your Own Moustache by Vicky Eames.

I was very excited to get this book. People are constantly giving me related moustache related items. It all started when I jokingly said I wanted a fake moustache-related wedding. It's gotten crazy from there. I have coasters, thumbtacks, iPhone cover, coffee mugs, stationary. So when the opportunity came along to get this book, I took it!

This book features both knitting and crochet patterns. My count was 12 knit and 8 crochet patterns. A good mix! There are lots of cute things to make in this book.

Are most of these practical? Not really. But if you needed a quick Halloween costume or had someone that had a thing for wearing paper bags on their head, you'd be in business.

It's a fun book. I think if you were the kind of knitter or crocheter that liked making toys, you could enjoy this book. Lots of shaping and interesting constructions. The one drawback to this book is while the title is a catchy one, I think the crocheters aren't going to pick it up, because they thing nothing is in there for them. Of course, all of the plain moustache patterns are knitted, so maybe that's why. Maybe Vicky will do a follow up Crochet Your Own Moustache!

This book is going to be staying in my library, due to my weird moustache collection. I can see myself The Walrus or The Handlebar just for fun!

Picked up any good knitting/crochet books lately?