

Spinning Right Along

So, in typical Jen-fashion, I busted out my spinning wheel like I do once every 6-12 months and whipped up some yarn.
I bought the roving at Stitches Midwest last year. It's from Knitty and Color. I had visions of this coming out in perfect long repeats of color, but I am not good enough at spinning to plan for these kinds of things. There are sections where the colors line up, but mostly the colors mix along the way. It's definitely more wild then the semi-solid sock yarns I always buy!
I ended up with 316 yards in the end. Not too bad. Someone on twitter suggested I use it for this pattern. I think she may be onto something.

Now the spinning wheel is back in its corner, where I am sure it will sit until at least the fall. Poor, neglected spinning wheel.

Happy spinning (and knitting)!