

Good Mail Day

**SPOILER ALERT: this post has photos of Loopy Rewards Club Bonus Packs. I love you all, but if you order from there and want your packs to be a surprise, maybe go away and come back next week when I have a new post. :) **

On Monday, I got that lovely, tempting weekly email from Sheri at The Loopy Ewe about a shop update....

On Thursday, some Shalimar Yarns Breathless showed up in my mailbox. I won't say if these two things are related.

Well, ok, obviously they are related, as evidenced by the photos of the other goodies that came in the box. :) The Loopy Ewe is going a Loopy Rewards thing this year, and when you hit the next level you get a little bonus goodie bag.

I had two in my package. It was a very good mail day.
I love notions and can't get enough of them. I am always misplacing all the little things that came in the packs, so I was very happy to acquire more. I am OBSESSED with the cuteness of the scissors.

I love fun little surprises!

I can't wait to try the yarn. It is my favorite combo (merino/cashmere/silk) so I'm sure it's gonna be good.

Happy knitting!