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Last week at TNNA, I took a business class with Gwen Bortner (aka EntrelacQueen). She was wearing this AMAZING Entrelac skirt. I coveted it so. I went back to my hotel room when the class was over and promptly bought the pattern. One problem: I have no idea how to knit Entrelac!

Fortunately, Gwen herself has an Entrelac class on Craftsy and I happened to have a free class coupon from the website. It's like it was meant to be. Now that I have watched the first few videos, I am starting to get the hang of technique:

This is the Infinity Neckwarmer pattern from the class. I am knitting mine out of some Noro Silk Garden that I have had in the stash for exactly forever. I love the way it's knitting up!

I look forward to working through the other two projects in the class so I can then move onto the skirt. I can't believe I am so far gone into knitting that I am actually considering knitting a skirt!

Happy knitting.