

New Class: Top Down Shawl Design

I am very excited to share my newest class that I will be teaching at Fuzzy Wuzzy Yarns in Arlington Heights, IL. It's Design Your Own Lace Shawl!

Here is the info:

If designing your own lace shawl is something you've always wanted to do, have designer Jen Lucas (and author of the soon-to-be released Martingale book, Sock-Yarn Shawls) show you how to get started! This class is meant to be a hands-on design class in which Jen leads you through the design process from start to finish!!! Five two and a half hour classes - $90.

Wednesday 6 - 8:30 p.m. 9/19, 9/26, 10/3, 10/10 and 10/17

The class is going to go in depth on how to design your shawl from start to finish. We will talk about construction, choosing lace patterns, shawl math, chart making, pattern writing, tech editing and publishing. The goal is to have you well on your way to having your completed shawl design by the end of the 5 classes!

We will be focusing on top down shawl designs for this particular class. I am hoping that if I get a good response for this class, I can do another on sideways shawls and (my new favorite) short-row shawl design!

If you are interested in taking the class you should call the yarn shop at 847-253-9276.

Hope to see you there!