

A wine tasting? No, a yarn tasting!

Last Thursday I headed to Fuzzy Wuzzy Yarns to go to a yarn tasting. My coworkers made fun of me for it, but they are stupid non-knitting boys. They do not know what's cool. :) Anyway, when I arrived, there were was lots of yarn to pet/fondle/sniff:

You could take some short lengths or cut longer lengths and knit a little bit to see what you liked. Here is my crazy little swatch of Cascade goodness:

Some I liked, some were not my cup of tea. It was fun to try some yarns that I would never normally try. I really loved the Eco Cloud and the Eco Duo. They are chunkier yarns, and not normally the kind I would go for, but I really liked them both!

I had a really great time and it was fun hanging with some of my knitting buddies! Melissa even won a prize in the raffle. 

Are you a Cascade fan or go to a yarn tasting lately? What yarns were/are your fav?