

Birthday Recap

So, I had a birthday a week and a half ago, and it was quite good. So good, in fact, that I thought that it deserved a blog recap.

I came into work the Friday before my birthday and found a decorated cube:
You'll notice that there are other cubes decorated as well. You see, I work mostly with boys who don't think to take down their birthday streamers. The one guy has had his streamers up since February. :)

On Saturday, my mom took me to the Coach outlet, and let me pick out a purse.
I've never had a purse that didn't come from a big box chain store that cost more that maybe $25-30. It was so so so nice of my parents to buy me one for my birthday!

Alex got me a case for my ukulele:

I feel like I am almost to the point where I would want to take my ukulele out of the house. Like maybe over to my friend Dan's house to jam while he plays his African hand drum. I still am not great at playing my uke, but I am getting better.

On Tuesday, when I went to knitting, I was greeted with more birthday gifts (I am one lucky lady!). Jenni got me a kit to knit a beaded bracelet and a mustache iPhone cover!

Then the other Jenny got me a mustache bag:

She got it here (warning, you may want to buy everything). It matches my project bag from Slipped Stitch Studios perfectly!

My actual birthday was filled with food and fun with Alex and my family. Couldn't have asked for a better day!