

My Knitting Heroes

Welcome back for Day Three of Knitting and Crochet Blog Week!

Today is about your knitting and crochet heroes. There are so many people that I admire and look up to in the knitting world. I thought about this long and hard and here are just a couple of my absolute faves.

Stefanie Japel. I secretly want to be her. I am so inspired how she went from being a scientist into a full-time career in knitting related endeavors. It is exactly what I hope to do. I've mentioned it a few times on the blog before, but I took a really great online class with her a couple years ago and it has lead to everything awesome that has happened to me knitting-wise. I never would have started designing shawls without that class, and the shawls are a BIG part of what helped me get a book contract. So, basically I owe my entire design career to her. Plus, she dresses really cool.

Jenni. My knitting BFF. Seriously, this woman knits the most amazing things. Which you wouldn't know because she never adds photos to her Ravelry notebook. :) Just trust me. She makes me want to knit sweaters and giant beautiful blankets. Which reminds me, I never blogged about our wedding gift from was the most ridiculously awesome throw.

There is nothing that Jenni can't knit. And, whenever you have a problem with your knitting, she always seems to know the answer. She is wealth of useful knitting knowledge!

Who are your knitting and crochet heroes?