

Book Review: Knit Noro Accessories

I had another review copy show up at my door recenly. It's Knit Noro Accessories.


The title says it all. Accessories knit using Noro. The book contains 30 patterns. There is a small section in the back for your basic knitting techniques. I have no problem with the technique section being leaves more room for the beautiful knitting patterns! There's lots of cute stuff in this book. Here are my faves:

Long Lace Scarf

Intarsia Lace Scarf

Enterlac Mittens
Those mittens are so awesome. I think that's the kind of patterns I could knit a bunch of times and have it never grow old.

I love this Noro book in that it uses different knitting techniques to show off the yarn's stripey goodness. If you love Noro, this book would be a good one for you.

Knit Noro Accessories retails for $24.95, and I have seen it on Amazon for as low as $16.

Want my review copy? Just leave a comment between now and Feb 24th. I will draw a random winner on Friday. Please leave your Rav name or something so I can find you should you win.

Good luck and happy knitting!

Note: I received this book as a review copy. For more info, please see my disclosure policy.