

More Korknisse

This weekend, I somehow got myself in the Christmas spirit. I know, I know. Today is Halloween, I shouldn't be thinking about putting up the tree and watching classic Christmas TV specials. But, I am. 

To combat this, I decided to work on something I wanted to add to my Christmas decorations this year...some Korknisse.
I have been saving wine corks for forever. My plan is to make quite a collection of these, both for me and for some of my friends.
I modified the pattern slightly, adding a couple extra rounds of ribbing on the hat (I found the hat stays on the cork wayyy better with this mod). I also added a wee bit of i-cord to the top of the hat. Because I think it's cute. 
I knit these five little guys in just a couple of hours. I think they may be the perfect project for this evening, while handing out Halloween candy. Such a simple pattern and can be easily set down and picked back up while the doorbell is ringing for hours on end!


Kollage KAL on Ravelry

I am pleased to announce that Kollage Yarns will be hosting a KAL with my patterns in their Ravelry group in November and December!

Here is the info from the Rav group:

Choose any of the patterns above - Candlelight Shawl, Vokuhila Socks, Bonnie Jean, Winchester, River Run - and pair it with Creamy, Sock-a-licious, 1/2 N 1/2, or Luscious!

Cast on Nov 5 and keep posting your progress, questions, comments in this thread and you will be eligible for fabulous prizes along the way! knitlikecrazy will be checking in daily to cheer us on and give us advice!

Load your project on ravelry with pertinent pattern, yarn, needle info and tag project with kollageKAL

Finish your project by midnight EST December 31st, share your finished project with the group, and be eligibile for the grand prize!

I am thrilled that Kollage is featuring my patterns in their next KAL. If you haven't tried their yarns yet, you should. They are all really nice and softy and squishy. I wouldn't design with their yarns if I did not LOVE them. :)

Even though I can't win the prize from Kollage, I still have plans to knit along. I will be knitting the Bonnie Jean shawlette. If I manage to get that done, then I need a pair of the Winchester mitts for myself!

With the holidays coming and these projects being small, it's a great way to get some of that holiday knitting done with the chance of winning a prize at the end!

Join us, will you?


Hello, Mrs. Lucas

Well, the blog has been quiet for a few weeks, but I swear I had a good reason....I was getting married!

On October 8th, I finally tied the knot with Alex. This blog has seen Alex go from friend/roommate to boyfriend to fiance to now my husband. So I have to share a few pics. 


We were married at Cuneo Mansion & Gardens and the weather could not have been more perfect. It was 80 degrees! We were super lucky that we could have the outdoor wedding that we had planned!

After the ceremony we headed out to take pictures. These next photos are taken by our amazing photographer, Lindsay Johnson. Seriously, if you are in Indianapolis and need a photographer, call her. And, hey, she came to Chicagoland for our wedding, so really no matter where you live, you should hire her for something. She is sooo good.
And, of course, there had to be knitting pictures:
My friend, Jenni, who I frequently talk about on the blog was one of my bridesmaids. I can't wait to see more of the knitting pics with us knitting together!

So, that's the wedding. A few days later we jumped on an airplane an headed to Cabo San Lucas. There were a lot of frozen drinks involved in this honeymoon:
 We had a great time in Cabo. We cannot wait to go back!

So, now it's back to reality. Well, not totally, as I still have another six days off of work to get the house in order (it's pretty much a disaster after the last few weeks) and to work on my book and some other designy things I have up my sleeve. What, you ask? :)

In January, I will be hosting another Mystery Shawl KAL.

Also in January, I will be releasing the first pattern in my e-book. The e-book will be one pattern every other month with a couple of bonus patterns thrown in there. I am working on the cover art for the e-book this week, so once I have that done, I will reveal the title and patterns and stuff. I feel confident that this will be something my readers will enjoy!

Finally, I have decided to change my last name on all knitting related things. I always planned to change my last name, I just wasn't sure about what I wanted to do in the knitting world. So, you can find my designs on Ravelry by searching for Jen Lucas (if you type in Jen Hansen, I will still come up).

So that's what's been going on in my life for the last month or so. How about you? What have you been up to?