

It's an Addiction

If you are a regular reader of this blog, it's no secret that I am obsessed with ZigZag Stitches. I think about 95% of the project bags I own are made my Catherine. And that's the way I like it. :)

I have been trying to stock up on an extra project bag or two as Sock Summit approaches. Why? Because if it's anything like last time, there will be a major startitis frenzy going on while in Portland. And you gotta keep all those projects organized!

Anyway, last week, I got this gem that I had ordered the week before (which is mega fast, because it came from Canada!):

I couldn't resist the fancy French ladies. Even the inside of the bag is pretty.

This is drawstring bag is bigger than the normal size ones you usually see. You could definitely fit a large shawl or sweater parts inside it. Or 2-3 sock projects. Just sayin'.