So, I have hunted through the stash and found some pretties that will be prizes for the Carefree KAL:

So, there will be three winners. Each winner will win a skein of yarn and a pattern to go along with each one. Patterns are TBD. The yarn is so pretty, let's take a closer look, shall we?

The KAL is scheduled to end on March 4th. Once you are done with the shawl, just leave a comment on the blog. If you tweet about it or do a blog post about it, let me know and I will add your name twice!
A random number generator will determine the winners!
You can find all the details about the KAL in
this blog post. You can chat with us about your shawl in the
Knitting Like Crazy Group on Ravelry!
How's everyone doing on their shawls? Happy knitting!