

Russian Orenburg Lace: Week 1

So, I was at knit group a few weeks ago and a couple of the women in the group were talking about the Russian lace class they were taking. Their shawls were turning out so beautiful. Me, Jenni, and Enid immediately became jealous of their shawls and decided we needed to take the class too!Two weeks ago we attended the first class. It was so interesting. We learned a little about the history of Orenburg Lace and then cast on for our shawls:

I took these pics awhile ago, I have since finished my homework of completing the edging (which is good, since the next class is tonight!)
Part of what I am loving about this pattern is that it is lace in garter stitch. I am not the biggest fan of the purl back rows. Maybe it's the way I knit or something, but when I am purling back a long row I seriously get cramps in my hands! So, knitting back makes me much happier! :)

I am knitting my shawl out of a skein of Fearless Fibers yarn that I have had for forever. I have been saving it for the perfect project. And it seems I finally found it!

Anyway, I am loving this so far and this is my first full blown, come back for several weeks to learn how to make something, knitting class. Stay tuned for more on this shawl as it grows.