Anyway, I had a couple giveaways going on the blog, so I thought it was about time I announced some winners!
First up, is the giveaway for the Sweet Baby Crochet book I reviewed the other week. The Random Number Generator tells me that InJuneau has won!! Congrats! Please check your Rav mailbox!
Next up, was a copy of my new pattern plus a skein of yarn to knit it with.

Again, I went with the random number generator. For this giveaway the winner is. . . .
busymom on Rav! Congrats! Please check your Rav mailbox for details.
Thanks so much to everyone for stopping by the blog. Whether you popped in for the giveaway or you read my blog all the time, I really appreciate all of you. Makes the blogging totally worth it.
Sad you didn't win? Well, from now until Monday, Dec. 6th, the Moor Shawl Pattern is only $4.00 in my Ravelry shop. That's right! A whole $2 off!
Just enter the coupon code "knittinglikecrazy" while checking out to apply the discount!
Thanks again and enjoy!