So, recently I received a review copy of The New Knitter's Template by Laura Militzer Bryant and Barry Klein. I was immediately intrigued by this book because of the subtitle "Your Guide to Custom Fit and Style."

The book starts out with several pages explaining how to use the book. It goes over yarn and gauge, body length, and styles of necklines and sleeves. Also in this section, there are several pages dedicated to "What Size Am I?" I have to say, I really appreciated this section being found in this book. I think anyone that has knit sweaters for themselves know that it is very easy to pick the wrong size to knit. I know I have done it several times. :)
Following the introductory section, there are a few pages of worksheets to help you get all your body measurements down. I like that there was even a little diagram to show you EXACTLY where to measure. That's another problem I have while knitting garments for myself. I think sometimes I never really measure myself in the right spot. After the measurement worksheet, there is a blank pattern worksheet, which gives you a bunch of different style options (like for the neckline, etc).
I also like that there are little "FAQ" Sections that cover different topics that you might want to know about while designing your own sweater. There are things like how do I get a non droopy button band or how do I add a collar?
The book also contains a section on selecting the yarn for your sweater, adding a stitch pattern to a basic sweater, and then a template section of knitting sweaters at different gauges. I really like that last section. Takes a lot of the hard math out of the equation!
So, I guess the question is would I recommend this book?
Well, if you are the kind of knitter that is always changing up sweater designs for better fit or you are the kind of knitter that designs your own sweaters, then yes. I think you would like this book very much. On the other hand, if you are the kind of knitter that likes to knit your sweater pattern as written without making changes, then this might not be the best book for you. It really is a book geared for those people wanting to do the work to get a real custom fit in their sweater.
The New Knitter's Template is available on Amazon. It is currently listed for $16.49.
So, read any good knitting books lately?
Note: I received this book for review. For more info, please see my disclosure policy here.