Is this a new segment for the blog? I don't know. I just love looking at blogs with yarn pictures, so I thought I would throw some onto mine. I'm not buying lots of yarn right now (gotta save some dough for that wedding Alex and I are planning) but I do have lots of pretties around here. So why not share the goodness, right? And, maybe this will help me rediscover the stash and not be so tempted to buy new yarn (yeah, right, I always am being tempted to buy new yarn!)
First up, this is the most recent yarn purchase I made. Lorna's Laces has been doing this Color Commentary Series for awhile, and lots of pretty colorways have come out of that. But none that I have loved as much as the
Ysolda Red.

I love the slight variations in the color. Just enough that when it's knit up it's going to look all rich and interesting.

I got mine in Shepherd Sock, but I decided to buy three skeins. Why? Because I think this yarn needs to become a beautiful shawl.

Now to decide on the perfect pattern. Any ideas?
Happy Yarn Thursday!