Ok, so after the From the Queue Friday post from last week, I decided that I needed to make those baby sweaters. Both of them really. I had the exact yarn (same colorway and everything) for the Baby Mine sweater, so I wound that up. And then I proceeded to search for about an hour for the pattern and couldn't find it. I know I bought it at Stitches a couple years ago and I saw it not that long ago, but where it is now is a great mystery.
So, I made a February Baby Sweater instead:

This one I made out of a Mill End Socks That Rock that I picked up at Sock Summit. Someone told me it is the "Faulty Dyer" colorway. I had already knit some little kids socks with the skein, but I managed to have more than enough for this sweater.

Instead of the buttons and buttonholes as the pattern indicated, I just attached a chain of single crochet and sewed it back on itself to make a loop. One button later and I was good to go.

Of course, this will be going to my niece, C. It's a little big for her still (honestly, I think it would fit an 18 month old), but she will grow into it eventually.
As I mentioned last week, the pattern came from the
Knitter's Almanac. I knit this baby in just about 3 days. Easy sweater. Awesome results.
So, if I manage to locate that Baby Mine sweater pattern I may have another baby sweater to show off on the blog soon. We'll see. :)
Happy Knitting!