I don't know about you, but sometimes you just know the perfect gift to knit someone. So, when my dear friend, JC, revealed her pregnancy, I knew she needed some baby bibs. She has oohed and aahed over many a baby bib on this blog, so I knew I had no choice but to knit her some!

I think little the little baby boy growing in her uterus will get good use out of them!

The pattern is the Baby Bib O' Love pattern from the freakin' fantastic
Mason Dixon Knitting book. One I knit with just plain garter stitch, one I knit with a little checkerboard pattern on the bottom, and one I took the Baby Genius Burpcloth pattern and made it into a bib.

JC was very excited to receive these bibs. And it made me want to squee that she loved them so much.
So, the baby knitting continues. Definitely know lots of people trying to make babies these days. :)
Happy knitting!