

From the Queue Friday: Baby Sweaters

Well, now that I know that my niece is, in fact, a niece, I can start dreaming about knitting all those little girl baby sweaters I have been queueing up!

This one I bought the pattern and yarn for long ago, before my niece was even a glimmer in my sister and brother-in-law's eye:

Photo from Stefanie Pearl-McPhee's Flickr Page.

It's the Baby Mine Sweater. I got my pattern while at a Stitches Midwest a couple years ago. You can get your pattern for $6.50 on the Blue Moon website here.

The next one is the February Baby Sweater:

Photo from Knittyblue's Flickr Page.

I just love that pattern (I love love love my February Lady Sweater I knit awhile back!) I think my niece is definitely going to need a matching sweater! :) You can get this pattern in a variety of places, including the awesome Knitter's Almanac by EZ (um, and it's only $7.95 on Amazon and there is lots of good stuff in there, just sayin').

So, what's new in your queue?