

From The Queue Friday - Dishcloths!

So lately, as spring quickly approaches, I have been getting in the mood to knit with cotton. Baby bibs and dishcloths are on my mind. So, here are a couple of these cotton dishcloth gems that have been in the queue for awhile.

First up is the Wishy Washy Fishy Tawashi Dishcloth:

I think this pattern is hilarious. I am pretty sure as Alex and I start talking about redecorating the kitchen these might need to be incorporated into the design. This pattern is available for free here.

And then there is the Vortex (5) Dishcloth:

Photo from first_of_five's Flickr Photostream.

I think that pattern is so neat. And, a great use of half balls of kitchen cotton, if you ask me. The Vortex (5) pattern is available for free here.

So, what's new in your queue?