

Book Review: Vintage Baby Knits

It's time for another book review. This week I took a closer look at Vintage Baby Knits. It's a book I had asked for Christmas and I have to say, I am sure glad I did!

This book has lots of cute patterns in it, and is proken down by time period. I love old timey, vintage stuff, and this book definitely has it! There are lots of super cute things in it. Things I know for sure I will be knitting in the very near future. For example, here we have the Stella Pixie Hat:

I mean, c'mon, that has to be the cutest thing ever! There are also lots of other things in the book I would like to knit, including the Jasper Diamond Hoodie, the Frances Nursing Shawl, and the Ducky Onesie (you can see pics of these projects on the Rav page here).

If you love vintage stuff and have a baby to knit for, then I definitely recommend this book. There are a couple of items that I think look a little too dated for my tastes (the Dewey Cabled Pullover comes to mind), but overall I think these patterns would look great even today.
Vintage Baby Knits is published by STC Craft. You can get your copy on Amazon for $18.15.

So, get any good knitting books lately?