This week's review brings me to a new sock knitting book:
Sock Club by Charlene Schurch and Beth Parrott.

The first thing that grabs me right away are those socks on the front cover. I definitely want to be knitting some of those! Once I opened the book, I found there were many more patterns that I want to knit. In fact, I counted ten patterns that on first glance I wanted to knit (Serendipity, Low Country Light, Blush, Beaded Lattice, Ariel (this is the pattern on the cover), Rainbow Swirl, Wavy, Rainbow Over Lahaina, Reims, Acorn Stash. That's a lot of patterns to love in a book of 23 patterns. Other than maybe Cookie A.'s
Sock Innovation book, I can't think of another sock book I have ever seen that I have wanted to knit so much out of it. That's saying a lot, because I am kind of picky when it comes to sock patterns!
In addition to all those patterns, there is also a few pages on making socks your own size. I always appreciate this kind of this with sock patterns, because I don't think my size 11 feet are going to be shrinking any time soon! Some of the details this section goes into are changing the number of pattern repeats and adding a small motif in between pattern repeats. I also appreciate that the patterns give directions or options for making the socks bigger.
After all the patterns in the book, there are a couple pages with techniques, useful info, and foot measurments. I was so happy to see the foot measurements in the book. I mean, when you are trying to surprise a friend with birthday socks, it kind of ruins it if you take a tape measure to his or her foot. Hooray for the chart that at least gives you some average numbers to shoot for when knitting those gift socks!
The other thing that is making me totally in love with this book is the fact that several of the patterns featured indie dyer yarns. Makes me hopeful that someone will be designing sock patterns for books with one of
my yarns one day!
So, I guess it's pretty obvious that I am in love with this book, huh? :)
Sock Club is published through Martingale and Company and has a list price of $24.99. You can
get yours on Amazon for $16.49. I definitely recommend that you do.
Read any good knitting books lately?