After talking about that felted bag last week, I started thinking about how I must have other felting things in my queue, right? Right! I mean when you have a Ravelry queue that has more patterns in it that any one person could reasonably knit in a lifetime, certainly there must be a few in there.
Hey look! A felted bag!

Photo from Peggity2006's Flickr Page.
The above bag is called Suzzane's Purse by Debi Tuttle. I just think it is adorable. And, the pattern is free, and you can't beat that. You can get the pattern for Suzzane's Purse here.
Here's another felted gem that is in the ol' queue. Felted Fortune Cookies? Yes please!

Photo from indigomuse's Flickr Page.
I think these fortune cookies are so awesome. Alex and I once tried (and failed) to make real fortune cookies and then put work related fortunes in them. He thought it would be hilarious to have all these IT things in them, and I thought it would be funny to have things like "Your GC will calibrate on the first try" in them. The cookies never came out right and the idea died. But, aha! Felted Fortune Cookies to the rescue. Yeah, I think I might need to make these.
The Felted Fortune Cookies by Tanya Brooks is available on her blog for free here.
So, what's new in your queue?