Well, I was originally going to do a different From the Queue Friday this week, but then the new Knitty came out and that went down the tubes (although I have a feeling my original picks from this week will probably be seen next Friday!).
I really loved lots and lots of stuff in this issue of Knitty but these two I fell head over heels in love with. First is Frost Diamonds by Stefanie Japel:

I love literally everything about this shawl. The color, the shape, the lace. It's all good. In fact, seeing some of these fitted shawls on Stefanie's website made me sign up for her upcoming "Design Your Own Shawl" class!
The next pattern is a lovely cardigan that is everything I ever hope for in a sweater:
The next pattern is a lovely cardigan that is everything I ever hope for in a sweater:
This one is Zora by Kristen Rengren. I love that there are different ways to wear it. I love the deep v and I love that ribbing around the middle. This one is just beautiful!
Obviously, as these are Knitty patterns, they are available for free on the Knitty website.
So, what were your faves in the new Knitty?