Anyone hear handspun Ishbel? What? Who said that!?
Anyway, happy knitting and Happy Thanksgiving!
This is a free pattern that is available from Little Cotton Rabits. I think this is a great pattern not only because you could probably knit one or two while watching It's A Wonderful Life or White Christmas, but it also would be a wonderful use of that leftover yarn. You can get the pattern here. Who wouldn't love a Mini Christmas Stocking Ornament on their tree!?
The next one is a pattern that I saw awhile ago and just fell in love with. It's Korknisse:
Photo courtesy of Elliphantom. Her website is here (love this blog, btw!).
This is another free pattern that is available online. The pattern is by Manne and was originally written in Norwegian. You can get the English translation of the pattern here. Another great use of leftover yarn (and all those wine bottle corks!). Very cute.
So, how's the holiday knitting going? Have any good holiday related patterns in the queue this week? As you can see it's almost done. And so are those bibs.
Ah, a knitter's work is never done.
So, what's one your needles? Any pesky WIPs you are trying to finish up today?