

Sock You Like A Hurricane

Why I like to take random songs with the word 'rock' in them and change rock to 'sock' and then use it as a blog title, is beyond me. Guess I have socks on the brain, these days!

Well, in about 14-ish hours, my friend Jenni and I will be boarding a plane and be off to Sock Summit. I finally have everything packed and ready to go. My crazy SS binder with every flippin' detail of the next six days is in order. The socks that are coming with me have been decided on and put in an appropriate project bag.

(Side Note: My Outlook calendar reminder just popped up reminding me to go to Sock Summit tomorrow. Love it!)

I can't wait to see all the sock knitters. There are a few people whose blogs I read that I really hope I get to meet. Of course, I will probably chicken out, and just stalk from afar, but it's cool. It will be fun anyway.

I also can't believe that I will be buying sock yarn on Thursday. I haven't bought sock yarn since sometime in December of last year. I love sock yarn. It's probably my favorite thing to buy in the whole world. Oh, how I plan to blow one-third of my SS money on Blue Moon yarn!

Anyway, that's all for now. I probably won't be blogging while in Portland, but plan to do so next week when I get back. I have a plan in my head for making a Sock Summit scrapbook when this is all over, so I plan on taking a crap ton of pictures.

Happy knitting (and safe travels to all the Sock Summiteers!)