First, here is some bulky yarn I spun up with roving I got from Spinning Sisters:
The Pattern: Robin's Egg Blue Hat
The Yarn: My handspun, bulky weight, about 100 yards
The Needles: US Size 10
The Time to Knit: 2 days
The Verdict: I can't believe I made a hat out of yarn I spun myself. I am very proud of this hat.
Finally, here is the first bobbin of some yarn I have been spinning with some Fat Cat Knits roving:
I am trying very very hard to take my time with these singles, and get a much thinner and more consistent yarn this time. Thus, it is taking me much much longer to spin this up. But, I think I am going to be thrilled with the results!
That's all for this spinning post. Coming up soon: Clapotis, Noro Striped Scarf, and possibly a sweater. :)
Happy knitting.