

News from Knitting Like Crazy

Good morning, everyone!

So, I have been thinking a lot about my yarn business and where I want it to go in the past few days and I have made few decisions that I want to share with everyone.

The main thing is I have decided, for the time being, I am not going to accept any new custom orders. If you have a custom order being worked on by me right now, of course, I am going to get it finished (probably in the next 3-4 days you will be hearing from me with pics). And, I do think I will take custom orders again in the near future.

I do love doing custom orders, but lately it has gotten to be a bit much, and I am hardly ever getting anything new dyed to put in my etsy shop. I think I just need to step back a bit from the custom orders, dye some new colorways for the shop, get my yarn dyeing mojo back, etc.

I also am going to start casually looking around for new base yarns. This, my friends, is exciting! I love the Crazy Soft, and I don't think I would get rid of that, as lots of you love it to, but I think I am going to try to find some new things to dye. Perhaps something involving bamboo, if I can find something I like. :)

I also think that within the next couple months I am going to revisit the sock club plan that I had awhile back. This time it will involve patterns. So, be on the look out for that sometime in the next 3-6 months, I would say.

Thank you to everyone for being in love with the yarn I dye, and making it such a fun little side business to have. I really appreciate everyone's business! And, remember, the break from custom orders means pretty soon my etsy shop will be stocked with lots of new colorways (and a few old favorites too).

Happy knitting!