

Contest Winner! And a new WIP. . . .

Before I reveal the contest winner, I just want to say that I am going to be discussing the new Rockin' Sock Club shipment. So, if you haven't received yours yet and don't want to see it, please save reading my blog for another day.

That is all.

Moving on. So, now we have the moment we have all been waiting for.....the winner of the coveted skein of Mariners Yarn. I had 120 entries this contest (it's amazing what Ravelry does for the blog sometimes!) and the random number generator tells me that contestant number 74 has won.

So, the winner is. . . .

Trudy!!!! (I have emailed you Trudy about how to retrieve your skein o' yarn!).

Thanks for stopping by my blog everyone. I enjoyed reading everyone's comments in their contest entries. Hopefully, I will have more yarn giveaways soon. They are super fun!

And, now back to your regularly scheduled knitting. . . .

Last week sometime I received my Rockin Sock Club July installment. Here it is in its loveliness:
This time the package came with two (hooray!) patterns. I love them both, but the Gumdrop socks were calling to me hardcore. This afternoon I completed sock number one:
I plan on spending the rest of this evening working on the second sock. I have been reading here and there that some people were not crazy about this colorway. I am totally fine with that, as everyone has different tastes. And, actually, it worked out for me, as someone on Ravelry saw that I had posted about buying more of this colorway. She messaged me, and now we are trading yarn. I get more of this deliciousness (oh how I want to lick this looks like a Sweet Tart!) and she is getting my STR in Grawk that I will never knit with. Everyone's happy!

Well, that is it for tonight. Tomorrow will bring some yarn dyeing, I think. I am out of my regular sock yarn to dye (although I am ordering more this week), so I am thinking about playing with some of the other stuff I have around here (there is a skein of merino/silk blend begging to be dyed). When the yarn talks to me, I just do what it tells me to.

Happy knitting!