Well, tonight was supposed to be
Yarn Harlot night. Sadly, it was not. Stephanie got stuck in Canada, and there was much raining in Chicago and it was just a bad scene. Anyway, there was much knitting and fun had, even without the Yarn Harlot. It all started when I was the first one to the venue, and I decided to
Kinnear myself:

I realize I look kind of crabby in the above picture, but I was trying to catch exactly what I would look like had I been Kinneared by someone else. Obviously, sitting there alone knitting didn't make me look weird enough. I had to bust out the camera and take pictures of myself knitting by myself. I swear, you should be in my head sometimes.
Anyway, I did knit quite a lot of sock:

This is my own yarn in the Sunset (I think) colorway. I dyed this awhile ago and put one in
my shop, kept one for myself. I am so glad that I kept it for myself. It's lovely.
Well, that's it. Tonight I will spend the rest of my evening knitting above sock while watching lots of Friends reruns. A pretty good end to a pretty good night.
Happy Knitting!