. . . .as I have been sitting on my ass knitting the last few days! Thanks for all the comments about the knitting injury. It really wasn't all that bad. It hurt for a day, and not even that much. To me, it was more hilarious than anything. And, while I am sorry for everyone else's puncture wounds, it is nice to know I am not the only one who has been injured by needle-stuck-in-couch.
wishiwerebuffy has recommended a tetanus shot. Probably not a bad idea. Between poking myself with sharp objects and
that dirty job I have, I could use one. Hmm, I bet I can a free one at work!
And now back to your regularly scheduled knitty goodness. . . .
So, I think I am becoming obsessed with spinning. A couple weeks ago I ordered some roving from
The Chicks With Sticks, which I very quickly turned into this:

Which then I very quickly turned into this:

It's a mini-skinny-scarf. I only had about 40 yards when I was done with the spinning, but I desperately wanted to see it knit up. It's cute. Actually, I pretty much love it! I am now out of roving, but I am sure some more will make it's way to me soon. And, I am starting to consider dyeing it. Hmm.
After I finished the skinny scarf yesterday I decided to finally knit my Bears iPod cozy:
It is still in need of a button, but I am quite pleased about how it came out. I made up the pattern to get it to fit my iPod. I still have quite a bit of the Superbowl Shuffle yarn left, so I may try to make a cozy for something else. What? I do not know.
So while I am showing you all these mini/tiny knitted things, how about some mini-socks?
These socks are for one of my friends that has tiny feet. Like, really tiny feet. Like, I only used one skein of Claudia Handpainted tiny feet. Anyway, here are the specs on the socks:
The Pattern: Roundabout Socks by Ruth. This pattern was great. Two rows, well-written, and fun. It can't get better than that! It's free on Ruth's blog, but I have to warn you though, if you go to her blog, you will likely see pictures of yarn she dyes, which is so beautiful that you won't be able to resist it, so you will go to her etsy site and buy a bunch, but I digress.
The Yarn: Claudia Handpainted Fingering Weight, colorway Blue Fields; one skein
The Needles: Size 2, as is the standard here at Knitting Like Crazy
The Result: My tiny footed friend is going to have some great socks the next time I see her.
On a totally unrelated note, JC, when am I going to see you next? :)
So that's it for the knitting. Now onto the yarn purchases. I recently scored this baby from The Loopy Ewe:
Oh yeah, it's Dream in Color Smooshy! I had been wanting some for awhile and, well, a $25 Loopy credit plus shop sneak up means more yarn for me! I am not sure what sock patten I will use with it, maybe this.
Other than that, I have been dyeing a lot of yarn. When not dyeing yarn I think about dyeing yarn. The yarn dyeing is becoming so crazy that I actually rearranged my bedroom on Monday to accommodate all the crap I need for dyeing yarn. I even have a little desk area in my room now for packaging and filing and yarn labeling and everything. I would show you a picture of it, but, well, it's still a disaster in my room as not everything has been put in it's place yet. Maybe next week. ;) Besides, I didn't have time to clean my room today as I was updating the etsy shop:
Man, I just blogged for so long, I didn't realize how late it is!
Good night and happy knitting!